Mother’s Day, Wonderland, & Cookies

May is being lovely to me. First of all, I’ve got the best mom and grandma and had the opportunity to celebrate them this recent Mother’s Day. I’m so lucky to have such amazing women in my life.

I also was in a baking mood and made 3 dozen chocolate chip cookies. I packaged up a few to give as gifts of appreciation and then left the rest on the kitchen counter for my family. I forgot that we were watching my sister’s dog who can reach the counters, and she ate about 2 dozen cookies. Poor thing was sick, but poor family for missing out on chocolate chip cookies.

Well, I had to make up for the cookie loss and made buttermilk pancakes. Recently on The Pioneer Woman there was a blog post on the best tips for making pancakes and I followed the tips and recipe and the pancakes were darn good, y’all! Here is some sound advice: read the article, make some pancakes. I have never before made such fluffy pancakes in my life!

When it comes to my creative pursuits, I’m busy, busy, busy. I’m still working on this stag head pullover. It is slow going as I’m not very experienced in cable knitting. It’s probably a very ambitious project for someone new to cables but I have never wanted to knit something so bad! I’m highly motivated to make it even if it takes me many months.

I also got a charm pack in the Wonderland Collection and I am so in love with the prints. When they arrived, I just let them sit on my shelf, too afraid to cut into them. Tonight, I finally started making half square triangles. This will be my third quilt and I’m already feeling more confident now that I have two in the bag.

And, of course, I’m still chugging away at the wip. I’m currently writing in sprints. I’ll set my timer for 15 minutes and try to write as much as I can in that short span of time. Some days, 15 minutes is all I get. Other days, I can do multiple sprints. I’m finding this helps a lot to stay concentrated.

Last, but not least, my current read is Into the Water by Paula Hawkins. I’m not that far into yet but I’m already confused. There are so many povs that it’s hard to keep track of who is who. I’m hoping I’ll get the hang of it soon. I also usually listen to thrillers. I have the bad habit of flipping to the back of books. When I think I’ve figured out the mystery, I’m tempted to check if I’m right. This is hard to do when your listening to an audiobook. I’m doing my best not to flip through the pages of this book, but we’ll see how long I’ll resist temptation.

Spring is full and bursting, my friends. Much to do, lots to learn and create. I hope your spring is as fruitful!


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